A beginners guide to food tracking
Behaviour Nutrition Resources

A Beginners Guide To Food Tracking

A Beginners Guide To Food Tracking



Food tracking, also known as diet logging or calorie counting, is a technique used by millions to maintain, lose, or even gain weight. It can also be a useful tool for understanding food allergies, sensitivities, or simply gauging one’s nutrient intake. Delving deeper into the reasons and the science behind it can offer clarity on why this method is gaining so much popularity.

Why People Find Food Tracking Helpful

Increased Awareness

Research indicates that people often underestimate their caloric intake by up to 20%. By logging food, individuals can develop a more accurate understanding of what they consume daily.


Tracking every bite, even those sneaky snacks, can deter overeating. Knowing that you’ll jot it down can make you think twice before indulging.

Identifying Patterns

Over time, users can spot trends such as emotional eating, overeating at certain times of the day, or consistent nutrient deficiencies.

Goal Setting

With a clear picture of their diet, individuals can set realistic and specific nutrition goals.

Evidence-Based Results

A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that participants who kept daily food records lost twice as much weight as those who did not. The act of tracking and the self-awareness it brought played a pivotal role in weight loss.

Potential Downsides


Especially in the beginning, logging every meal can be tedious.


There’s a risk of becoming overly fixated on numbers, which can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food.

Accuracy Concerns

Not every food item will be in the database, and estimating portion sizes can sometimes lead to inaccuracies.

Potential Nutrient Overlook

While calories are essential, they don’t tell the full story. Focusing solely on them might lead to neglecting essential micronutrients.

By considering the reasons behind the increasing popularity of food tracking and understanding both its benefits and potential pitfalls, you can better make an informed decision on whether this tool aligns with your health goals. If you’re just starting out, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you embark on this journey.

Understand The "WHY"

Before you embark on the journey of food tracking, it’s essential to recognize and align with your motivations. Understanding your reasons will not only keep you committed but also help tailor your tracking approach. Here are some of the fundamental reasons why many choose to track their food:

Weight Management

The most prevalent reason for many. By tracking caloric intake, individuals can make informed decisions to lose, maintain, or gain weight. It provides a tangible way to monitor energy balance – calories in versus calories out.

Nutrient Monitoring

Beyond just calories, tracking food can offer insights into macronutrient (carbs, fats, protein) and micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) intake. This ensures that you’re not just focusing on quantity but also the quality of your diet.

Allergy or Sensitivity Identification

For those who frequently experience digestive discomfort or other adverse reactions after eating, tracking can be a tool to identify potential culprits. By logging food and symptoms side by side, patterns may emerge linking specific foods to symptoms.

Increasing Nutritional Education and Awareness

Food tracking can be a significant educational tool. Over time, users become more familiar with the nutrient profiles of different foods, helping them make healthier food choices instinctively. It creates a sense of awareness about the components of different foods, from fiber content to sugar levels.

Cognitive Benefits

Mindful Eating

The act of recording what you eat can make you more mindful of your food choices and portions, discouraging mindless snacking or overeating.

Reinforcing Commitment

The psychological act of noting down food can reinforce one’s commitment to health and fitness goals. It’s a daily reminder of the pact you’ve made with yourself.

Behavioural Accountability

Knowing that you need to log a food item might make you think twice before indulging in less nutritious options. This conscious decision-making can lead to better dietary habits over time.

Recognising the ‘why’ behind your decision to track will anchor you on days when it feels tedious and will guide you in using the data most effectively for your specific goals.

Choose Your Tool

food tracking for weight loss, muscle gain and healthier living

The method you choose to track your food can influence how consistent and accurate you are in the long run. While some swear by the traditional method of pen and paper, digital tools and apps can provide added features that enhance the tracking experience.

Pen and Paper

✅ Simplicity: No need for tech-savvy skills. Just jot down as you eat.

✅ Flexibility: Customise your food diary layout to your preference.

✅ No Distractions: Unlike smartphone apps, there’s no risk of being sidetracked by notifications or other apps.

❌ Time-consuming: Requires manual calculations and nutrient look-ups.

❌ Bulkier: Carrying a notebook might be less convenient than a smartphone.

❌ Lack of Database: Unlike apps, you don’t have instant access to a food database.

Smartphone Apps


✅ Extensive food database.

✅ Ability to scan barcodes for quick input.

✅ Integration with many fitness trackers and apps.

❌ The free version has ads and limited features.

❌ Nutritional accuracy can sometimes be off due to user-generated entries.


✅ User-friendly interface.

✅ Weight loss-focused features like challenges and goals.

✅ Barcode scanner and a large food database.

❌ Premium version required for detailed nutrient tracking.

❌ Might not be as suitable for those not focused on weight loss.


✅ Detailed micronutrient tracking.

✅ More emphasis on the accuracy of nutritional information.

✅ Suitable for those focused on holistic health, not just weight management.

❌ Smaller food database compared to MyFitnessPal.

❌ The interface might seem less intuitive to some users.

Essential Tools for Accuracy

Food Scales

Especially for foods that are tricky to measure by volume (like meats or irregularly shaped items), a food scale can provide precise measurements. It helps ensure you’re tracking the exact amount you’re consuming.

Measuring Cups and Spoons

Ideal for liquids or items like grains and cereals. They’re a staple for any kitchen and crucial for accurate tracking.


Taking quick snaps of your meals with your smartphone can be a good reference, especially if you’re logging your intake later in the day.

Choosing the right tool and ensuring you have the necessary equipment can streamline the food tracking process, making it more likely you’ll stick with it in the long run.

Be Honest And Accurate

Accuracy in food tracking is pivotal for achieving your dietary goals. Inaccurate logging can lead to misguided dietary decisions. Let’s delve deeper into the importance of honesty and accuracy:

Measure Your Portions

Research suggests that visual estimation of food quantities can often be inaccurate. For instance, a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that even dieticians, when asked to visually judge the amount of a particular food, underestimated its quantity by up to 20%.

A “medium-sized” apple can range from 100 to 200 calories, depending on its actual weight. Without measuring, one might consistently underestimate their caloric intake, potentially leading to unwanted weight gain over time.

Using a food scale or measuring cups helps counteract this human error. It can give you the exact weight of a chicken breast, and measuring spoons can ensure you know how much olive oil you’re actually using.

Include Everything

It’s the small, often overlooked additions that can sneakily add significant calories or nutrients to your day.

Consider salad dressings. A mere two tablespoons of a creamy dressing can add over 100 calories and 10 grams of fat. If you’re having salad frequently and not accounting for the dressing, you could be consuming hundreds of extra calories each week without realising it.

Drinks and Snacks

Drinks, especially sugary beverages, can be a major source of hidden calories. The American Heart Association notes that on average, Americans consume 152 added sugar calories a day, which is the equivalent of drinking roughly one 12-ounce can of soda. Similarly, small snacks, even healthy ones like nuts, are calorie-dense and can add up if not tracked.

Make a habit of reading nutritional labels on sauces, dressings, and drinks. If you’re dining out, ask for dressings and sauces on the side so you can control the amount.

Track As You Go

Waiting until the end of the day to log your meals increases the likelihood of forgetting something. According to a survey from the International Food Information Council Foundation, 43% of respondents admitted to occasionally forgetting to log items they consumed, especially when they snacked outside of regular meals.

After every meal or snack, take a moment to input your intake. This not only ensures accuracy but also allows you to adjust your intake for the rest of the day based on your goals.

Being rigorous and honest in your food tracking is less about perfection and more about gaining a true understanding of your eating habits. This knowledge empowers you to make informed and intentional dietary choices

Read The Food Labels

Understand Food Labels

Navigating the labyrinth of food labels is crucial in your food tracking journey. They offer a goldmine of information, helping you gauge what you’re truly putting into your body. But, you must know how to decipher them:

Serving Size

One of the most common pitfalls in reading food labels is overlooking the serving size. What looks like a small package could contain multiple servings, and if you’re not careful, you might inadvertently consume more than you intended.

A bottle of juice might seem like a single serving, but the label could indicate it contains 2.5 servings. If you drink the entire bottle thinking it’s one serving, you could be taking in 2.5 times the calories, sugar, and other nutrients than you thought.

Before looking at any other information on a food label, check the serving size first. Then ask yourself: “How many servings am I consuming?” Adjust your tracking accordingly.


Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the three primary macronutrients that provide energy to your body. Understanding their presence in your food is essential for balanced nutrition.

A packaged snack may advertise “low fat” on the front, but when you check the label, it’s packed with sugars (carbohydrates). This could be misleading if you’re trying to reduce sugar intake.

Look beyond the marketing claims on the packaging. The actual macronutrient breakdown on the label will give you a complete picture of what the food contains.


While it’s essential to focus on the quality of the food you eat, understanding caloric values is vital, especially if weight management is a goal.

Nuts are nutrient-rich and provide good fats, but they’re also calorie-dense. A small handful of almonds can have over 160 calories. Without checking the label, it’s easy to underestimate this.

According to the FDA, the average daily caloric intake for most American adults is about 2,000 calories. However, individual needs can vary significantly based on factors like age, gender, and activity level.

While tracking, ensure you’re not just counting calories but also considering the source. 100 calories from soda provide very different nutritional value than 100 calories from fresh fruit.

Understanding and properly interpreting food labels can significantly enhance the accuracy of your food tracking. By mastering this skill, you empower yourself to make informed choices that align with your dietary goals.

Note The Macros

Macronutrients, often referred to as “macros”, play a fundamental role in how our bodies function and respond to various physical demands. They’re not just about energy; they’re also about structure, function, and regulation. Let’s delve into each one and understand how tailoring them can be pivotal based on specific goals:


Carbohydrates are the body’s primary energy source. They are broken down into glucose, which can be used immediately for energy or stored in our muscles and liver for later use.

Long-distance running/Endurance Sports

Athletes involved in these activities might require a higher carbohydrate intake to fuel their extended workouts and replenish glycogen stores. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that 45% to 65% of total daily calories come from carbohydrates, but endurance athletes often lean towards the higher end or even exceed these guidelines during heavy training.


Proteins are composed of amino acids, the building blocks of our muscles and body. They play a crucial role in muscle repair, enzyme functions, and even hormone production.

Building Muscle/Muscle Retention

Individuals aiming to gain muscle or retain muscle while losing fat may need a higher protein intake. While the general recommendation is around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, those looking to build muscle might benefit from consuming up to 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram (or more, based on individual needs and the intensity of resistance training).


Fats are essential for hormone production, nutrient absorption, and long-term energy. They also play a key role in protecting our organs and regulating body temperature.

Optimising Fertility

Some research suggests that diets higher in unsaturated fats (like those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil) can be beneficial for women trying to conceive. While fat intake varies widely among individuals, those aiming to optimise fertility might consider ensuring at least 20-35% of their daily calories come from healthy fats, according to the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) guidelines.

Ketogenic Diet

Those on a ketogenic diet will significantly up their fat intake, often consuming 70-80% or more of their daily calories from fats, to promote a state of ketosis where the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.

Tailoring macro ratios can be instrumental in achieving specific health and fitness goals. However, it’s crucial to remember that individual needs can vary based on genetics, metabolism, activity levels, and more. Our personalised coaching can help you understand this better, plus we provide personalised guidance and set your macros based on your goals and biometric data. Click this link to sign up to our coaching programme

Stay Hydrated

Water is often dubbed the “elixir of life,” and for a good reason. While many are meticulous about tracking their food intake, hydration, which plays a pivotal role in our overall health, often takes a backseat. But why is water so essential, and how should we ensure we’re drinking enough?

Why Hydration is Crucial

Cellular Function

Every cell in our body relies on water to function correctly. From aiding cellular chemical reactions to transporting nutrients and oxygen, water is the medium in which these processes occur.

Temperature Regulation

Water plays a critical role in regulating our internal body temperature. Through processes like sweating, our body uses water to dissipate heat and maintain a stable core temperature.

Metabolism and Digestion

Adequate hydration can aid metabolic processes. Water is necessary for the proper digestion, absorption, and transport of nutrients. Furthermore, staying hydrated can also help prevent constipation by softening the stool and supporting regular bowel movements.


Our kidneys rely on an adequate water intake to filter waste from the blood and excrete it in urine. Proper hydration ensures efficient removal of toxins from the body.

How to Ensure Proper Hydration


While the common advice is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses (about 2 litres) of water a day, known as the “8×8 rule,” individual needs can vary based on factors like weight, activity level, and climate. Consider using hydration trackers or smartphone apps that send reminders to drink water throughout the day.

Listen to Your Body

Thirst is a clear sign that it’s time to drink, but don’t always wait until you’re thirsty. Regular sips throughout the day can preemptively curb dehydration.

Check Your Urine

A simple method to gauge hydration is to look at the colour of your urine. Ideally, it should be a pale straw color. If it’s clear, you might be overhydrated. If it’s dark, you probably need to drink more water.

Incorporate Water-Rich Foods

Foods like cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges can also contribute to your hydration levels, so incorporate them into your diet.

Adjust Based on Activity

If you’re engaging in intense physical activity or are in a hot and humid environment, your hydration needs will increase. Ensure you’re drinking more during these times, and consider adding electrolyte-rich drinks if you’re sweating profusely to replace lost salts.

Potential Pitfalls


Drinking excessive amounts of water in a short period can lead to water intoxication or hyponatremia, a condition where your blood’s sodium levels become dangerously low. Always aim for balanced hydration.

Caffeinated or Sugary Drinks

While beverages like coffee and tea contribute to your fluid intake, relying heavily on them can lead to other issues like increased sugar intake or disturbed sleep. Also, high amounts of caffeine can have a diuretic effect.

In the realm of health and wellness, the importance of solid nutrition is widely acknowledged. But remember, water is the unsung hero that sustains life, fuels our cells, and keeps our systems in harmonious balance.

Review And Adjust

Consistent tracking is only half the battle. The true value lies in analysing the data you’ve collected and making necessary adjustments to refine your approach. As you conclude each week, it’s pivotal to introspect and answer some critical questions:

Are you hitting your calorie target?

Consistently hitting your calorie target ensures that you’re on track to meet your weight management goals, whether it’s losing, maintaining, or gaining weight. Deviating from this target can hinder progress.

If you’re not meeting your target, ask yourself why. Is it due to unplanned snacking? Maybe you’re underestimating portion sizes or overlooking certain calorie-dense foods? Pinpointing the cause can help you make meaningful changes.

Are there nutrient deficiencies or excesses

While calorie-counting offers a quantitative perspective, analysing the quality of those calories ensures that you’re nourishing your body properly. Consuming a diverse range of nutrients supports overall health, immune function, and energy levels.

Cross-check your food log with recommended daily intakes for vitamins and minerals. Are you skimping on iron-rich foods? Maybe you’re consuming too much sodium? Identifying these gaps or excesses can guide your food choices for better health.

Can you spot patterns, like late-night snacking?

Recognising patterns can help you identify triggers or habits that might be derailing your goals. Understanding the ‘why’ behind these patterns can lead to better strategies to address them.

If you find yourself snacking late at night, ask yourself the reason. Are you genuinely hungry, or is it out of boredom or stress? Addressing the root cause, rather than the symptom, is more effective for long-term change.

Adjust your intake and habits accordingly

Beyond just food, reflect on your lifestyle during the week. Were you more stressed? Did you sleep well? External factors can influence eating habits, and acknowledging them can provide a more holistic approach to adjustments.

Sometimes, an external perspective can offer valuable insights. Consider sharing your food logs with a nutritionist, dietitian, or even a trusted friend for feedback.

Your food tracking journey is a dynamic process, much like life itself. It’s not about perfection but progression. As you gather more data about your habits and intake, you arm yourself with the power to make informed, positive changes. Regular reviews ensure that you’re not just moving, but moving in the right direction.

Stay Consistent

The journey towards improved health and wellness is seldom a straight path. It’s punctuated with challenges, temptations, and even days when motivation runs low. Yet, amidst these fluctuations, one attribute stands as a beacon: consistency.

Why Consistency Yields Results

Compound Effects

Just as saving a small amount of money consistently can lead to significant wealth over time, making consistent healthy choices, even if they seem minor at the moment, can lead to profound health benefits in the long run. Over time, every healthy meal logged, every portion controlled, and every mindful choice contributes to a more significant transformation.

Habit Formation

The human brain thrives on patterns. When actions are repeated consistently, they become ingrained as habits. Once food tracking becomes habitual, it feels less like a chore and more like a natural part of your daily routine. This ease ensures that the practice is sustained over the long term.

Feedback Loop

Regular tracking provides a continuous feedback loop. You can quickly identify what’s working and what isn’t, making necessary adjustments. Without consistent tracking, these insights could be missed.

Managing Slow Progress

Embrace the Journey

Understand that health and wellness are marathon endeavours, not sprints. Some weeks you might see noticeable progress, while others might feel stagnant. It’s essential to remain patient and trust the process.

Celebrate Small Wins

Did you resist the urge to snack late at night? Have you consistently logged your meals for a week straight? Celebrate these moments. They reinforce positive behaviour and boost motivation.

Mindset Management

Shift Your Perspective: Instead of viewing food tracking as a restrictive measure, view it as a tool of empowerment, giving you control and clarity over your health choices.

Stay Connected to Your ‘Why’

On days when it feels tedious, remind yourself of why you started. Was it to feel more energetic, manage a health condition, or perhaps achieve a specific fitness goal? This connection can reignite your commitment.

Seek Support

Sharing your journey with friends or joining a like-minded community can offer encouragement. Knowing you’re not alone, and having others who understand your challenges and celebrate your milestones, can be immensely motivating.

In the world of instant gratification, it’s easy to become disheartened when results aren’t immediate. However, when it comes to health and wellness, time and persistence are your allies. Embrace consistency, not just as a tool for tracking but as a mindset, and you’ll find that the path to your goals, though winding, is absolutely attainable.

Remember, It’s a Tool, Not a Judgment

In the meticulous world of food tracking, numbers play a significant role. Calories, macronutrients, portions – they all get quantified. But it’s paramount to remember that these numbers represent data, not value judgments. They are metrics, not measures of worth or self-discipline.

The Ups and Downs are Normal

Natural Fluctuations

It’s entirely normal for there to be days where you eat more than planned and days where you might eat less. This could be due to various reasons – social events, changes in activity levels, or even hormonal fluctuations. Life isn’t static, and neither is our caloric or nutritional intake.

The Bigger Picture

Instead of getting fixated on daily variances, focus on the broader trend. One meal, day, or even week doesn’t define your journey. It’s the cumulative effort over time that truly matters.

Reframing the Narrative

From Criticism to Curiosity

Instead of berating yourself for “slip-ups”, approach discrepancies with curiosity. Ask yourself: “What led to that choice?” Maybe you were hungrier because you had an intense workout, or perhaps you sought comfort food because of stress. Understanding reasons can lead to more sustainable strategies in the future.

Shift from “I Have to” to “I Choose to”

Instead of saying, “I have to log my food,” say, “I choose to log my food.” This subtle shift in language empowers you and makes the act a conscious choice for wellness rather than a burdensome obligation.

Mindset Management Skills

Practice Compassion

Treat yourself with the same kindness you’d offer to a friend. If a friend had a day of overeating, you wouldn’t judge them harshly. Extend that same understanding to yourself.

Gratitude Journaling

At the end of each day, write down three things related to food or health that you’re grateful for. Maybe it’s the delicious salad you had for lunch or the energy you felt during your evening walk. By focusing on gratitude, you train your mind to see the positives.

Seek the Silver Linings

So you had a dessert that wasn’t planned? Instead of feeling guilty, appreciate the joy it brought in that moment or how it was an opportunity to socialise and bond with loved ones.

Seek Balance

Avoid Obsession

While tracking provides valuable insights, it’s crucial not to let it consume your every thought. There’s more to life and health than numbers. Ensure you’re also valuing other aspects like the joy of movement, the social aspects of eating, and mental well-being.

Digital Detoxes

Consider taking a day off from tracking now and then. Trust your body and the habits you’ve developed. Such breaks can refresh your mindset and offer a more intuitive approach to eating.

Food tracking is an insightful tool, a window into our dietary habits. But just as we don’t judge our worth by the number on a weighing scale, we shouldn’t equate our value with our tracked metrics. Use this tool for empowerment and understanding, always ensuring that self-compassion is a companion on your journey to health.

Seek Professional Advice

Dans Story

Navigating the path to optimal health can sometimes feel like venturing into uncharted territory. Even with tools like food tracking, you might come across crossroads or moments of uncertainty. That’s where expert guidance can be invaluable.

The Value of Personalised Advice

Understanding Nuance

Every individual is unique. While general guidelines are beneficial, personalised advice acknowledges your specific needs, preferences, and challenges. An expert can decipher your logs, providing insights you might have overlooked.

Bridging Knowledge Gaps

Not everyone is well-versed with the intricacies of nutrition. An expert can help demystify complex topics, ensuring you’re not just following recommendations blindly but truly understanding them.

Benefits of Our Personalised Coaching Course

Customised to Your Needs

Our course isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s tailored to your lifestyle, preferences, and health goals, ensuring a higher success rate.

Accountability and Motivation

Knowing that someone is regularly reviewing your progress and is invested in your journey can be a tremendous motivating factor. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can keep you on track.

Adaptive Strategies

As you progress and evolve, so will the strategies we provide. Our experts are adept at recognising plateaus or challenges and pivoting strategies to maintain momentum.

Holistic Approach

While our primary focus might be nutrition and food tracking, we understand that health is multifaceted. Our coaching encompasses aspects of mental well-being, sleep patterns, and physical activity, ensuring a rounded approach to health.

Education and Empowerment

Beyond just telling you what to do, our goal is to educate. We aim to equip you with knowledge, ensuring that even after the coaching ends, you’re empowered to make informed decisions independently.

How Our Process Works

Initial Consultation

This is where we get to know you – your habits, goals, challenges, and preferences. It sets the foundation for our coaching journey.

Regular Check-ins

Weekly or bi-weekly sessions allow us to review your progress, answer any questions, and make necessary adjustments.

Feedback Loop

Based on your logs, we’ll offer insights, commend successes, and strategise for challenges. This iterative feedback ensures that you’re continually moving forward.

Resource Provision

From meal plans to educational material, we provide you with resources that complement your tracking and health journey.

Wrap-up and Future Planning

At the end of our coaching duration, we assess overall progress and set you up with strategies for the future.

Embarking on a health journey, while commendable, can often feel daunting. But remember, you don’t have to tread this path alone. With expert guidance, you’ll find the journey not only becomes more straightforward but also more enlightening. So, when in doubt, indeed give us a shout! Our team is here to guide, support, and champion your journey to optimal health.

Dan Howick Fitness Nutrition Life Coach Personal Trainer

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