My Weekly Food Shop: A Guide to Nutrient-Rich Eating for Muscle Growth and Wellbeing
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My Weekly Food Shop: A Guide to Nutrient-Rich Eating for Muscle Growth and Wellbeing

My Weekly Food Shop: A Guide to Nutrient-Rich Eating for Muscle Growth and Wellbeing


When it comes to achieving optimal health, fitness, and muscle growth, what you eat plays an indispensable role. Being a 37-year-old male fitness coach and nutritional therapist, I’ve learned that a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is key to achieving and maintaining a body that not only looks great but feels great too. As someone who trains six days a week and currently weighs 97kg with 14% body fat, my dietary needs may differ from yours. However, the fundamentals remain the same—focus on whole foods, good fats, and complex carbohydrates to fuel your body right.

Why What You Eat Matters

Your diet directly impacts your physical health, energy levels, and even your mental well-being. It can influence your performance in your workouts, your ability to gain muscle, and how efficiently you recover. By sharing my weekly food shop with you, I aim to offer you insights into making choices that will enrich your own diet and lifestyle.

The Breakdown: Categories of Food in My Cart


Protein Sources: The Building Blocks of Muscle and Recovery


weekly food shop protein 


Protein is often dubbed the “building block” of the body, and for good reason. This macronutrient is pivotal in tissue repair, hormone production, and, of course, muscle growth. As a fitness coach and nutritional therapist, I’ve fine-tuned my weekly food shop to include an array of high-quality protein sources that aid in effective muscle recovery and robust growth.

Why Protein Is Crucial

Firstly, let’s delve into why protein is essential, especially for someone like me who trains six days a week and aims to maintain a lean body mass of 97kg with 14% body fat. Protein aids in the recovery and rebuilding of muscle fibres torn during intense workouts. It also plays a role in metabolic processes and the production of enzymes and hormones that regulate bodily functions. The better the quality of your protein sources, the more efficiently your body can perform these tasks.

Chicken Breast

A staple in almost every fitness enthusiast’s diet, chicken breast is a lean source of protein that is low in fat and rich in nutrients like B vitamins. It’s incredibly versatile and can be used in anything from salads to stews. Approximately 100g of chicken breast provides around 31g of protein, making it an excellent choice for muscle repair.

Turkey Mince

Turkey mince is another lean meat, high in protein and relatively low in calories. It’s an excellent alternative to beef mince, providing about 27g of protein per 100g. Turkey is also rich in essential nutrients like zinc and vitamin B3.

Tuna Steaks

Fish is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Tuna steaks are particularly good because they are dense in protein—about 25g per 100g—and can be grilled, baked, or even eaten raw as sashimi.

Eggs / Egg Whites 

Eggs are nature’s protein powerhouse. One large egg provides around 6g of high-quality protein. They also contain all nine essential amino acids, making them a ‘complete’ protein source. Additionally, eggs are a fantastic source of vitamin D and choline. Egg whites provide a pure protein hit with trace amounts of fat and carbs. They are low calorie and versatile which make them great for many of my meals. 

Greek Yogurt

A favourite for breakfast or as a snack, Greek yogurt is protein-dense and rich in probiotics. It provides around 10g of protein per 100g and is also an excellent source of calcium and vitamin B12. Opt for the unsweetened variety to avoid unnecessary sugar. My go to source and only option in the house is Fage 0%. Rich, creamy and versatile. I mix with almond butter, berries and seeds for a nutritious breakfast. 

Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein powder is a convenient and efficient way to reach your daily protein goals. It’s especially useful post-workout, due to its rapid absorption rate. A single scoop can provide anywhere from 20 to 30g of protein. Just ensure to choose a reputable brand that doesn’t include unnecessary additives or fillers.

If you’re focused on muscle growth, fat loss, or simply maintaining a balanced diet, prioritising high-quality protein sources is non-negotiable. By incorporating a variety of these options into your weekly food shop, you’re setting yourself up for success in achieving your fitness and nutritional goals. Remember, the journey to a healthier you starts with the choices you make at the supermarket.

Beef Mince: 3% Fat

While I make an effort to keep my red meat consumption to a minimum, I do occasionally include lean beef mince with 3% fat in my diet. Why? Beef is not just another source of high-quality protein; it’s also an excellent source of essential nutrients, most notably iron. Iron plays a crucial role in the body, assisting in the formation of haemoglobin, which is essential for transporting oxygen in the blood.

Approximately 100g of lean beef mince can provide around 27g of protein and is rich in vitamins like B12, zinc, and selenium. The 3% fat content ensures I’m getting the protein and nutrients without an overload of saturated fats. This makes it a suitable option for anyone looking to keep their fat intake in check while enjoying the benefits of red meat.

Beef mince is incredibly versatile—it can be used in a variety of recipes like lean meatballs, burgers, and stir-fries. But remember, moderation is key. I include beef primarily for its iron content, particularly useful for maintaining energy levels and aiding muscle function, but it’s not a daily staple. Balancing red meat with other protein sources like chicken, fish, and plant-based options ensures a rounded, nutrient-rich diet.


Good Fats: The Unsung Heroes of Hormone Production and Sustained Energy



The term ‘fat’ often gets a bad rap in the health and fitness world. However, it’s essential to differentiate between good fats and bad fats. Good fats—unsaturated fats—are crucial for various bodily functions including hormone production, brain function, and even the absorption of certain vitamins. Plus, they provide a good source of sustained energy, particularly useful for those strenuous workout days.

Why Good Fats Matter

Understanding the value of good fats is essential for anyone committed to a balanced lifestyle. For me as an active male good fats play a vital role in hormonal balance, particularly testosterone. They also contribute to cardiovascular health and can provide a slow-burning source of energy, making them an invaluable component of my weekly food shop.


Avocados are a superfood in every sense. Rich in monounsaturated fats, they also contain more potassium than bananas and are packed with fibre. About half an avocado can provide you with roughly 15g of good fats and various essential nutrients, making it a must-have for anyone focused on holistic health.

Nuts and Seeds (Almonds, Chia Seeds, Flaxseeds)

Nuts and seeds like almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are compact powerhouses of nutrients. They’re rich in polyunsaturated fats and contain essential omega-3 fatty acids, crucial for brain function and reducing inflammation. A handful (about 28g) of almonds provides roughly 14g of fat and is also a good source of vitamin E, magnesium, and protein. Chia and flaxseeds can be easily added to smoothies or oatmeal for a quick nutrient boost.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Often considered the gold standard of healthy oils, extra virgin olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats and loaded with antioxidants. It’s an integral part of the Mediterranean diet, known for its cardiovascular benefits. Using it as a salad dressing or for low-heat cooking can significantly enhance your intake of good fats.

Almond Butter

Almond butter is a scrumptious and nutritious spread that serves as an excellent source of monounsaturated fats. Just two tablespoons provide around 18g of fat, 7g of protein, and a significant dose of vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium. It’s great on whole-grain toast, in smoothies, or even as a dip for fruits like apple slices.

Peanut Butter

Similar to almond butter, peanut butter is rich in healthy fats and protein. It provides roughly 16g of fat and 8g of protein per two-tablespoon serving. It’s also rich in essential nutrients like niacin, folate, and vitamin E. While delicious and nutritious, peanut butter is calorie-dense, so it’s best consumed in moderation, particularly if you’re closely monitoring your caloric intake.


Salmon is often celebrated for its protein content, but for me, its standout feature is its rich omega-3 fatty acid profile. A 100g serving can offer up to 13g of healthy fats along with around 25g of protein. The reason I categorise salmon predominantly as a fat source is due to its nutrient and calorie-dense properties. Salmon’s high omega-3 content makes it incredibly beneficial for cardiovascular health, brain function, and inflammation reduction.

Understanding and incorporating good fats into your diet is not just a luxury but a necessity for optimal health. They support hormone production, provide sustained energy, and come packed with other essential nutrients. Balancing these fats with high-quality protein sources, complex carbs, and fruits and vegetables creates a synergistic effect that propels you towards your fitness and well-being goals.


Complex Carbohydrates: The Ultimate Fuel for Workouts and Recovery


Carbohydrate sources, Carbs for fuel 

When it comes to fuelling your workouts and aiding in recovery, carbohydrates often take centre stage. But not all carbohydrates are created equal. Complex carbohydrates are particularly beneficial due to their slow digestion rate, providing a steady release of energy. As someone deeply invested in fitness and nutrition, I consider complex carbs as an indispensable part of my diet.

The Importance of Complex Carbohydrates

For my rigorous training regime and personal training duties, complex carbohydrates are not merely a source of energy; they’re a cornerstone of my nutritional approach. Their slow digestion rate makes them an ideal source of sustained energy, helping to fuel longer, more intense workouts and expedite recovery afterwards. Complex carbs also help to balance blood sugar levels, preventing the highs and lows that can impact performance and mood.

Brown Rice: More Than Just a Side Dish

Brown rice is a whole grain that’s high in fibre and provides a moderate amount of protein. A cup of cooked brown rice offers around 45g of complex carbohydrates. It’s also rich in essential nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium. The high fibre content also aids in digestion and helps to keep you full for longer periods.

Sweet Potatoes: The Athlete’s Favourite

Sweet potatoes are a nutritional powerhouse, offering about 27g of carbs per medium-sized potato. They’re also high in vitamins like A and C and provide essential minerals such as manganese and copper. The beta-carotene in sweet potatoes is a powerful antioxidant, further augmenting their health benefits.

Whole Grain Pasta: A Guilt-Free Indulgence

Whole grain pasta serves as another excellent source of complex carbs, providing around 37g of carbs per 1-cup serving. It is also richer in nutrients and fibre compared to its white pasta counterpart. The higher fibre content supports better digestion and provides a slower, more sustained release of energy.

Oats: The Breakfast of Champions

Oats are incredibly versatile and offer a range of health benefits. A half-cup of raw oats contains about 27g of complex carbohydrates and is rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre. Oats also contain a type of soluble fibre called beta-glucans, known for its cholesterol-lowering abilities.

Granary Bread: The Whole Grain Advantage

When it comes to bread, opting for granary or whole grain varieties is a game-changer. Unlike white bread, which is processed and lacks essential nutrients, granary bread is made from whole grains that are high in fibre and other nutrients. A typical slice of granary bread provides around 17g of carbohydrates and is a good source of B vitamins, iron, and magnesium. The added bran and whole grains in granary bread offer a chewy texture and nutty flavour while aiding in digestion and sustained energy release.

Quinoa: The Protein-Packed Seed

Often mistaken for a grain, quinoa is actually a seed that’s incredibly rich in both protein and complex carbohydrates. Just one cup of cooked quinoa delivers approximately 39g of carbs and 8g of protein, making it one of the few plant-based foods that provide all nine essential amino acids. It’s also high in micronutrients like manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. Quinoa is incredibly versatile, perfect for salads, stews, or even as a side dish. It’s an excellent option for those looking for a gluten-free carbohydrate source that packs a nutritional punch.

Incorporating complex carbohydrates into your diet is a wise strategy for anyone serious about their fitness and well-being. These carbs provide a sustained energy release, essential for intense workouts and speedy recovery. Coupled with protein-rich foods and good fats, complex carbs like brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole grain pasta, and oats contribute to a well-rounded, nutrient-dense diet that fuels both your body and mind.


Fruits and Vegetables: The Colourful Palette of Nutrients



As vital as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are to a balanced diet, one must not overlook the importance of fruits and vegetables. These nutritional powerhouses add colour, flavour, and most importantly, essential micronutrients to your meals. Given my six-day-a-week training routine and commitment to overall well-being, incorporating a vibrant selection of fruits and vegetables is non-negotiable. Here’s why each has a dedicated spot in my weekly food shop:

The Importance of a Colourful Diet

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, the colours aren’t just for show; they indicate the different types of phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals contained within. A colourful plate ensures a wide range of nutrients, each with its own set of benefits for overall health, muscle recovery, and immune function.

Spinach: The Green Powerhouse

Spinach isn’t just for Popeye; it’s a low-calorie source of essential nutrients like Vitamin K, Vitamin A, manganese, and folic acid. One cup of raw spinach contains only 7 calories but provides a wealth of nutrients crucial for bone health, vision, and metabolic function. Spinach is also high in iron, which aids in oxygen transport, thereby improving exercise performance and overall vitality.

Kale: The King of Nutrient Density

Similar to spinach but slightly more robust in flavour and texture, kale offers vitamins K, A, and C in abundance, along with minerals like manganese, calcium, and potassium. It’s rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, making it an excellent ally in warding off chronic diseases. Kale is particularly high in fibre, assisting in digestion and blood sugar regulation.

Blueberries: The Antioxidant-rich Superfood

Blueberries are tiny but mighty, packed with antioxidants known as flavonoids. These compounds help to reduce inflammation, improve brain function, and potentially lower the risk of heart disease. A single cup provides around 84 calories and a good chunk of your daily vitamin C and K requirements.

Oranges: A Citrus Burst of Vitamin C

Oranges are synonymous with Vitamin C, essential for immune function, skin health, and iron absorption. A medium orange contains approximately 62 calories and offers over 90% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C. Besides, it’s a hydrating fruit with a high water content.

Bananas: The Go-To Source for Potassium

Bananas are incredibly convenient as a portable and nutrient-rich snack. A medium-sized banana offers around 27g of carbohydrates and 14g of natural sugars, making it an excellent post-workout snack for quick energy replenishment. It’s also high in potassium, a vital mineral for maintaining blood pressure and muscle function.

Broccoli: The Cruciferous Crusader

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, part of a family that includes cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. It’s a low-calorie source of fibre, offering around 2.3g per cup, and is rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin C, and folic acid. Broccoli also contains sulforaphane, a phytochemical shown to have cancer-fighting properties. Its nutritional versatility makes it an excellent addition to stir-fries, salads, or even as a steamed side dish.

Green Beans: The Lean, Green Nutrient Machines

Green beans are another low-calorie choice that punches well above its weight in terms of nutrients. One cup of raw green beans provides around 4g of fibre and an assortment of vitamins like Vitamin K, A, and C. They also contain beneficial minerals like silicon and manganese, which are crucial for bone health and metabolic function. Their crisp texture and subtle flavour make them a popular addition to a variety of meals.

Apples: The Original Health Snack

An apple a day might not keep the doctor away, but it will certainly provide you with a steady dose of fibre, antioxidants, and essential nutrients. A medium-sized apple offers around 95 calories and 4g of fibre, contributing to digestive health and satiety. Apples are also a good source of Vitamin C and various antioxidants, making them an easy and portable option to boost your nutrient intake throughout the day.

Raspberries: The Fibre-Rich Berries

Raspberries are not just delicious; they are also nutritional jewels. A cup of these berries contains around 8g of dietary fibre, which aids in digestion and helps manage blood sugar levels. They are also rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C and quercetin, which contribute to overall cellular health and immunity. Raspberries can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, or eaten as a standalone snack.

Rocket: The Peppery Leafy Green

Rocket, or arugula, is a leafy green vegetable often used in salads but also great in cooked dishes. It’s a nutrient-dense food that provides a variety of vital nutrients including calcium, potassium, and folate. The peppery flavour of rocket is due to its high content of glucosinolates, compounds that have been studied for their cancer-fighting properties. It adds a spicy kick to your meals while also contributing to your daily vitamin intake.

Watermelon: The Post-Workout Hydration Hero

Watermelon holds a special place in my diet, specifically in the post-workout window. Why? This fruit is not only refreshing but is also rich in citrulline, an amino acid that has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce muscle soreness. After an intense workout session, consuming watermelon can help in quicker recovery and rehydration, thanks to its high water content, making it an excellent choice to refuel and rejuvenate.

To build a comprehensive and effective diet, integrating a diverse array of fruits and vegetables like spinach, kale, blueberries, oranges, and bananas is essential. By aiming for a colourful plate, you not only make your meals more visually appealing but also ensure you’re getting a well-rounded spectrum of essential nutrients.


Treats for the Soul: The Importance of Balanced Indulgence


Healthy cookies, treats, indulgence, weekly shop


When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, balance is key. While the cornerstone of my diet is founded on nutrient-dense, whole foods, I also believe that occasional treats not only add a layer of enjoyment but can also serve a functional purpose. Here’s why these foods have earned their spot in my balanced dietary approach.

The Value of Balance

The psychological element of dieting is often overlooked in the quest for optimal health and physique. Deprivation can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and could cause burnout. By incorporating moderate indulgences, you maintain a positive outlook and enhance the sustainability of your healthy eating habits.

Rice Cakes: The Versatile Snack

Rice cakes offer a low-calorie option that satisfies the crunch you might miss from more calorie-dense snacks like chips. Made primarily from puffed rice, they are versatile enough to accommodate both sweet and savoury toppings. While they may not pack a hefty nutrient punch, they are a gluten-free source of quick carbohydrates, making them a good pre-workout fuel when topped with almond or peanut butter.

Homemade Pancakes: The Weekend Treat

There’s something incredibly comforting about a stack of pancakes on a lazy Sunday morning. When made at home, pancakes can be a guilt-free treat. By using whole-grain flours, reducing sugar, and adding fruits or protein powder, you can elevate the nutritional profile significantly. They offer a wholesome way to satisfy your sweet tooth while still contributing to your macronutrient goals for the day.

Dark Chocolate (70% Cocoa): The Antioxidant-Rich Indulgence

Dark chocolate isn’t just a treat; it’s a superfood in disguise. Opting for a bar with at least 70% cocoa ensures you reap the benefits of flavonoids, a group of antioxidants known for improving heart health and reducing inflammation. In moderation, dark chocolate can satisfy your dessert cravings while offering a modest amount of fibre, iron, and magnesium.

Homemade Popcorn: The Whole-Grain Wonder

Popcorn is a snack that has been unfairly relegated to cinema aisles and slumber parties. When made at home, this whole-grain treat can be both healthy and satisfying. Air-popped and lightly seasoned, popcorn offers a decent amount of fibre and some essential vitamins like B6. Plus, its high-volume, low-calorie nature makes it a satiating snack that fits well within a balanced diet.

Homemade Peanut Butter Cookies: The Protein-Packed Delight

Cookies may not typically be seen as a health food, but when made at home, they can certainly be tweaked to fit a healthier profile. My recipe for peanut butter cookies includes all-natural peanut butter and substitutes like coconut sugar or stevia for traditional sugar. Adding a scoop of protein powder is another way to make them more nutrient-dense. These cookies can be a guilt-free pleasure that also provides a protein punch.

Homemade Chocolate Brownies: The Decadent yet Mindful Indulgence

Chocolate brownies are a classic comfort food. In my homemade version, I opt for dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and substitute white flour with almond or coconut flour. These choices not only boost the protein and fibre content but also reduce the glycemic index of the treat, making it a more stable option for blood sugar levels. A brownie now and then can provide that much-needed respite without veering you off your nutritional course.

It’s essential to remember that a balanced life includes moments of indulgence. Treats like rice cakes, homemade pancakes, and dark chocolate allow you to enjoy the sweeter things in life without derailing your fitness and nutritional goals. These carefully chosen treats complement a diet rich in protein sources, good fats, complex carbohydrates, and a colourful array of fruits and vegetables.

Quantity and Portion Sizes: The Blueprint for a Week’s Nutrition

When it comes to achieving optimal health and fitness, what you eat is undoubtedly important. But how much you eat also plays a pivotal role. My weekly food shop is meticulously planned to fuel my body for seven days, supporting my six-day-a-week training regimen. Below is a breakdown of the portion sizes and quantities that make up my daily intake, providing valuable insights into how to allocate macronutrients effectively.

The Importance of Measuring Quantities

Understanding the amount of each macronutrient you need is crucial for achieving your specific health goals, whether they be muscle growth, fat loss, or maintenance. Accurate portion sizes also ensure you’re getting enough essential nutrients and energy for optimal body function and performance in the gym.

Protein: The Muscle-Building Essential

At around 250g per day, protein is a cornerstone of my diet. This nutrient is crucial for muscle repair, growth, and overall body function. High-quality protein sources like chicken breast, turkey mince, tuna steaks, eggs, Greek yogurt, whey protein powder, and beef mince with 3% fat, ensure I’m getting a balanced profile of essential amino acids for optimal muscle recovery and growth.

Carbohydrates: The Energy Dynamo

Carbohydrates act as the primary energy source during my workouts and play a key role in recovery. I consume approximately 300g per day from complex sources like brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole-grain pasta, oats, granary bread, and quinoa. These foods provide long-lasting energy and are rich in fibre and essential nutrients, offering a dual benefit for health and performance.

Fats: The Hormonal Backbone

Fats often get a bad reputation but they are essential for hormone production and can be a good source of sustained energy. My daily intake sits at around 100g, coming from high-quality sources like avocados, nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, almond butter, peanut butter, and salmon, which I predominantly view as a fat source due to its nutrient and calorie-dense properties.

Fruits and Vegetables: The Nutritional Powerhouses

I aim for a minimum of six servings of fruits and vegetables per day to ensure I’m getting a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The colourful range includes spinach, kale, blueberries, oranges, bananas, broccoli, green beans, apples, raspberries, rocket, and watermelon—each contributing unique nutrients and benefits to my overall health.

Calculating and understanding the quantity and portion sizes of your food are fundamental steps in crafting a diet that aligns with your fitness goals. A balanced intake of around 250g of protein, 300g of carbohydrates, 100g of fats, and at least six servings of fruits and vegetables sets the stage for peak performance and well-being.

Adapting Portion Sizes to Meet Specific Goals: Bulking, Cutting, and Maintenance

It’s crucial to understand that the quantities and portion sizes mentioned serve as my standard, maintenance-style diet. However, nutritional needs are never static; they fluctuate based on various factors like activity levels, specific fitness goals, and metabolic rate. As such, let’s delve into how these figures might change should my objectives shift from maintenance to either bulking or cutting.

The Maintenance Blueprint

The diet outlined above, consisting of approximately 250g of protein, 300g of carbohydrates, and 100g of fats per day, alongside at least six servings of fruits and vegetables, is what I consider a maintenance diet. This approach keeps me at my current weight of 97kg with 14% body fat while supporting regular training six days a week.

Bulking: Scaling Up for Muscle Growth

When the objective is to gain muscle mass, known commonly as ‘bulking,’ the quantities of macronutrients, particularly carbohydrates and protein, will likely increase. An upsurge in caloric intake is essential for providing the additional energy needed for muscle synthesis and recovery. This could mean increasing daily protein to around 275g–300g and carbohydrates to 350g–400g, for example. The focus would still remain on high-quality, nutrient-dense foods to ensure optimal health during this muscle-building phase.

Cutting: Dialling Down for Fat Loss

Conversely, when the goal is fat loss or ‘cutting,’ the overall caloric intake would need to decrease, specifically from carbohydrates and fats. Protein intake often remains stable to help preserve muscle mass while in a caloric deficit. In this scenario, daily carbohydrates might be reduced to around 200g–250g, and fats could go down to about 70g–80g. It’s crucial to keep an eye on nutrient density during a cutting phase to maintain energy levels and overall health.

Your nutritional needs are ever-changing, contingent on your specific fitness goals. My maintenance diet serves as a solid baseline, but it’s just that—a starting point that requires adaptation based on whether I’m bulking up or cutting down. By understanding how to manipulate portion sizes and macronutrient ratios, you can better steer your fitness journey in the direction you desire.

Final Thoughts

Your weekly food shop should be tailored to your individual needs, lifestyle, and dietary preferences. As a nutritional therapist and fitness coach, I can’t stress enough the importance of a balanced, mindful approach to eating. The key is to fuel your body with what it needs while allowing yourself the occasional treat to nourish your soul.

By consistently making smart food choices, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness and health goals. If you have any questions or need more in-depth advice, don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s to your health and wellbeing!

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