Roast chicken & pea risotta
Low Fat High Protein Recipes

Roast Chicken and Pea Risotto

Roast chicken & pea risotta

Cooking Details

Serves: 1 person
Prep: 10 min | Cook: 20 min
Difficulty: Easy

Nutritional Details

Calories: 521
Protein: 59g
Carbs: 65g
Fats: 6g

This easy, healthy and high protein risotto recipe is perfect for a quick meal or to batch cook for the family. To save time, we intentionally cook too much here in the Howick household and use them for lunches and dinners throughout the week.



  • 150g – chicken breast 
  • 50g – garden peas 
  • 20g – chicken stock (bays kitchen)
  • 70g –  organic wholegrain rice risotto
  • 150g – mushrooms
  • 10g – shallots 
  • 1 clove – garlic
  • 5g – fresh parsley
  • 300ml – water 
  1. Prep all ingredient by chopping them to the desired size.
  2. Heat a shallow frying pan to a medium heat and add garlic & shallots. Cook until the soften.
  3. Add chicken to the pan and cook for 15 minutes or until golden brown & cooked through.
  4. Add peas & mushrooms and cook for a further 5 minutes. 
  5. Use a large saucepan to heat 300ml of water. Once boiling add rice and cook until water is absorbed. 
  6. Add chicken stock to rice and mix well.
  7. Add chicken and mixture to rice and stir in, ensuring ingredients are evenly distributed. 
  8. Either serve and enjoy hot or allow to cool to room temperature and separate portions to be refrigerated and eaten during the week.
  9. Garnish with fresh parsley & spring onions. 
  10. Make sure meal remains in date before consuming and reheat in a microwave until piping hot. Usually fine for up to 3 days after cooking.

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