Action Commitment Worksheet

Action Commitment Worksheet
Use this form to create, understand and commit to actionable behaviours and skills you can use regularly to enhance goal success.
Eg build muscle, lose fat, feel energetic etc
These are complementary behaviours you use to build towards your goal. Eg outcome goal "build muscle" = eating a healthy caloric surplus Or outcome goal "lose fat" = eat in a healthy caloric deficit.
Eg eat plenty of nutrients.
Eg eat plenty of lean meats, hit 7 vegetable portions per day etc.
Eg make and drink a "super shake" everyday. Eat a high protein yoghurt after my sandwich at lunch.
Eg Only doing these actions 5 days per week, and having a clearer portion size for protein yogurt

Revise Small Daily Actions

If confidence scores are less than 8/10 work with you coach and think about easier actions you can complete more regularly. For example "drink a super shake everyday," could change to "drink a super shake 3 times per week."
Eg measure body composition monthly to show change in lean body mass.
Daily: Track specified actions using HWK Habit Tracker. Weekly: Review assigned actions to identify what is working and what might need adjustment, or additional support and guidance from coach to help execute.
Eg - I already loosely plan many of my weekly meals, I like many different protein sources, and I know how to cook many of them too
Eg - I have a stag / hen party weekend in a few days where getting in protein regularly will not be as easy. Vodka shots want be a problem though...
I will bring protein powder to make a daily protein shake even if I can’t make a true Super Shake. I will also bring some tofu to grill along with some eggs and Greek yogurt for breakfast and snacks. And I will aim for progress, not perfection!
I’m going to let my partner know what the plan is, so she can be aware of my goals and intended actions